The reference price for Telekom Malaysia (TM) is RM3.05 and TM International (TMI)is RM7.85 with a trading date of 23 Apr and 28 Apr respectively. Both stocks will have a settrading limit down of 30% and limit up of 400%, which is only applicable for those tradingdates.
TM will remain as a component stock in the KLCI. TMI will be considered forinclusion in the KLCI after one month of listing if its market capitalisation is more than 1.0%of the full market cap of the Main Board; and the volume traded for the month is rankedwithin the top 75% band among all the companies on the Main Board. (Bursa Malaysia)Our target prices of TM and TMI are RM4.40 and RM8.11 respectively.
The RM4.40includes the RM0.37/share in cash to be raised by the issuance of 137.6m ESOS shares.