There are only few banks have the online Initial Public Offering (IPO) application services. This is the example for the Maybank.
First log in your Maybank2u account. There is a pane at the left hand side as show below. Select "eShareApplication",
follow step 1.
Step 2: Choose "IPO Application"
Step 3: Choose which IPO you want to apply. Example shown Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd.
Step 4: Click "Apply" to proceed.
Step 5: Click the check box.
Step 6: Click "I Agree" to proceed.
Step 7: Choose your race (there are quota for bumiputra and non-bumiputra)
Step 8: Key in your CDS account number. (15 numbers)
Step 9: Key in how many LOTS you want to apply.
Step 10: Click "Apply" to proceed.
Step 11: The final step, click "Comfirm" to complete the application.
After that you can print your application slip for your record. The money will automatic deduct from your account. This money will come back to the same account IF your application not choosen in the balloting.
The day after balloting date, if the amount go back to the account means the application not been choosen. If the money didn't come back, high possibility been choose. Partial amount come back, means partially given for the IPO share.